Microsoft Office skills testing evaluates applicants’ understanding of the Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook tools. These are important office productivity tools that are used every day at work. It can also be considered an integral part of secretarial skills testing. Therefore, recruiters use skills testing software regularly to filter their candidates and make informed hiring decisions.
Is MS Office Skills Testing Necessary?
The MS Office tools are used in all office setups across every industry. It is, in fact, mandatory for office goers to at least have basic knowledge and the ability to use these applications. Employees in administrative positions have to work with Word, Excel, and Outlook daily. Hence, recruiters must measure their candidates’ MS Office skills. Results give substantial evidence of their level of understanding and skills in using these tools. It also distinguishes the really skilled individuals from their peers. Hiring organisations can turn to the test results to help bolster their decision making toward the end of the recruitment process.
How are the MS Office Skills Tests Designed?
Most skills testing software suppliers of quality provide recruiters with three test levels- Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced. Selected job applicants will be asked to complete a range of questions and tasks. There are usually a variety of questions styles, including multiple-choice, and drag and drop. Each assessment will last around 20 minutes.
Basic MS Office skills require candidates to have general understanding and skill in using the applications. These tests are usually targeted at individuals who will be required to simply send emails and type in data. Intermediate level assessments evaluate job seekers who will be using these tools for a wider range of tasks. Candidates need to have additional skills, and not just inserting content, sending emails. They will be assessed on their knowledge of different functions and formulae, formatting skills, etc. Advanced MS Office skills tests are aimed at those who have to work closely with Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook.
How Are The Tests Administered?
Nowadays, MS Office skills tests are easily accessible in an online format. This is a huge advantage to both recruiters and candidates as it immediately cancels the bother of coordinating a specific date, time, and venue for in-office tests. Online MS Office skills tests allow recruiters to send test links to any number of applicants they want. Candidates can access the test from anywhere as long as they have a computer device and an xfinity internet plans connection. Most skills assessment software vendors provide applicants with an option to sample test questions. This helps candidates understand the structure of the test and the kind of questions they are likely to be asked.
Is Skills Testing Candidates Really Beneficial For Hiring Organisations?
It is important to note that CVs and interviews do not provide a comprehensive knowledge of an individual’s strengths and capabilities. There’s also a growing inclination among candidates to exaggerate skills in the job market today. Therefore, skills testing candidates is remarkably useful and has a positive impact on the relationship between recruiters and hiring organisations. The results from the assessments allow recruiters to appraise each candidate carefully. Many software suppliers supply detailed reports enabling decision-makers to understand the quality of the candidates and recognise which ones are suitable for the company.